About $BBANK token
Token ticker: $BBANK
Total token supply: 400,000,000
Total initial supply: 30,000,000
Initial Market Cap: 3,000,000 USD
Listing Price: 0.10c
1. Why do we need a $BBANK token and what are the benefits of holding?
By using the $BBANK token only to stake you can receive up to 20%. We are providing our staking users the incentive to stake their tokens with us and offer significant returns.
Being a $BBANK token holder unlocks many different features in the application as well (unlocking different levels of information from the robo advisor, exclusive offers, cashback on purchases using the card, insurance, 3rd party rewards, different banking tiers without having a monthly fee, and reduced fees). To receive up to an additional 10% APY in $BBANK users can stake other assets in our platform for specific periods of time - the longer they stake the more $BBANK bonus reward they can receive. We also have a buy-back strategy to always ensure the reserves stay at a specific level to ensure we consistently have enough $BBANK to reward users moving forward.
2. When was the BlockBank Public Sale IDO?
BlockBank Public Sale IDO on Ignition happened on: April 28, 2021; 11am UTC**.
More details here.
3. When will $BBANK be listed on exchanges?
In terms of exchanges, several have approached us but we can't disclose the details. We are listed on Uniswap, PancakeSwap and Gate.io. We will be announcing more details soon.
4. You mention that the BlockBank token can be used to increase the APY from 10% to 30%, but can you explain to us what is the basis of the token to generate so many percentages? Being a "bank" is 30% APY that’s not a very high interest? And by using $BBANK, in addition to generating 30% APY, can someone earn passive income by keeping it in my wallet?
This is a combined APY. For example, if you hold VIP level $BBANK, you can receive 20% APY. Then any other asset on the platform you can stake for up to 10% APY. Based on the time you stake the asset for you will receive $BBANK bonus token up to 15% All in all it gives you 30% APY on your staking through us and not just all in $BBANK.
Last updated